Notation on the Specified Commercial Transactions ActNotation on the Specified Commercial Transactions Act

Notation on the Specified Commercial Transactions Act

Company name I.N.G. Co., Ltd.
Location 〒150-0042
33-7 Udagawacho, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo
I&E Shibuya Building 7F
Operations Manager Yasufumi Sato, Representative Director
Phone number 03-5459-0290
Contact us Please contact us here.
* For inquiries to the project manager, please refer to each project page.
Opening hours Weekdays 10:00-17:00 (excluding weekends and holidays, summer year-end holidays)
Consideration for the affairs of the company The project manager shall pay 17% of the project support money to the Company as a fee (including settlement fees) if the project is concluded. In principle, the payment of such fees is made by deducting the amount of the fee from the support money paid by the Company to the project manager.

In addition, we will not be paid for the service provided by the supporters. The support money will be paid to the project manager, who will be entrusted by the project manager and will receive support from the supporter as a proxy recipient of the support money.
Sales price and postage As described on each project page.
Service consideration and
Non-sales price charges
A system fee of 200 yen + consumption tax will be charged for each support.
In addition, you will be required to pay internet connection fees, communication charges, etc. necessary for browsing pages of this site, purchasing content, downloading software, etc.
Method of payment Payment methods for support money are credit card (VISA, MasterCard), convenience store payment, PayPal, and Net UnionPay.
When to provide services Each project will be posted on this site from the start to the end of publication. In addition, there is no service that the Company provides directly to the supporter.
Delivery time of return goods As described on each project page.
Purchase restrictions Minors, adults, assistance, and assistance persons must obtain the consent of their legal representative, follow-up, assistance, or assistance person before purchasing.
Handling in case of defects in return items As described on each project page. Since the Company is not a return item provider, it shall not be liable for any defects in the return goods.
Cancellations and cancellations The project manager may not discontinue the project without the consent of the Company after posting the project on this site. In addition, the supporter cannot cancel the support in principle for the project for which the payment settlement of the support payment has been completed by expressing support.